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Click here to download a further technical specifications document in PDF format. You will need adobe acrobat reader to view the document. If you do not have this click on the Adobe link.
Hollow walls up to 3.4 metres high x 12 metres long and thicknesses of 120mm and 150mm are produced. These are cut to specific height and length with door and window openings.
Walls are concrete filled with a minimum 32 MPa to achieve acoustic, structural and fire performance. Walls are designed using the unreinforced concrete design provisions of AS3600 section 11.4 or to "Design Guidelines", provided by Ozwall.
Concrete filled load bearing 120mm Ozwall achieves a minimum FRL of 120/120/120.
Concrete filled 120mm/150mm Ozwall achieves an STC of 51. BCA compliance is achieved by the addition of a plasterboard lining system to one side only.
Electrical conduits are placed within the cavities prior to concrete filling. Plumbing is hidden within localised linings attached to the Ozwall.
Ozwall pre-cut walls offer most of the benefits of concrete pre-cast but without the weight and craneage requirements. A typical Ozwall wall weighs less than 700kilos and is easily craned into place. Typically, 200m2 of wall installation in a day is easily achieved with a small erection crew.